home building

 Joseph Fearrington and Clementine Self - On home, community, World War II, and Civil Rights

The interview was conducted on the porch of Joe’s home, a wonderful venue for an interview about home and community, although maybe not ideal for sound quality. There was significant wind at times and the sound of the cars passing by on the street. The interview begins with Joe’s stories of how he…

 Judy Nunn Snipes and Gertrude Nunn - Speaking about the Rogers-Eubanks community

“I just have to say it was two proud families that basically loved the land and raised their families and contributed to the economy. There were lots of talents on both sides of the family- there was nothing her brothers couldn’t do.” - Judy Nunn Snipes This interview is part of an SOHP project…

 Judy Nunn-Ellison Snipes - On family, faith, and the importance of heritage and land

“The connection is that the faith that backs me is my support and my strength. The you don’t give up. You keep fighting.” - Judy Nunn-Ellison Snipes Judy Nunn-Ellison Snipes has been an important member and leader of Chapel Hill since growing up and living in the community for most of her life. She…

 Minister Robert Campbell - On Black Builders

"It’s good to talk about what it took to generate economics for the community itself. It was always teaching the new guy on the block. This is what it’s going to take for the future." - Minister Robert Campbell Within his interview, Minister Robert Campbell’s lively spirit and storytelling ease…